Wednesday, February 11, 2009

As Valentine's Day is approaching I think of how we are getting ready to show eachother in cute ,creative ways how much we love eachother. I wonder why we can't have that much enthusiasm throughout the year . I got to thinking about myself and what I do to show the people in my home how much I love them and what I do to show my family and friends I love them all year.Love is important everyday ,all year. Grace and love have been on my mind a lot lately. Giving people grace for everyday things, could you image how the world would be different . I know for myself I've been really working on this. It seems at times I'm the most hard on the people who live in my home. And love ! This is something I've been really aware of. What that word really means and the action that follows. We are reading this book right now, the girls and myself and it's teaching the kids that God IS love. When you sit and think about it, once again for myself, when I sat and thought about it, that is really powerful stuff. If we could all just love, how the world would be different !!! With these thoughts also came ,what is unique about our family ? What is the first thing that comes to mind myself and for others? How are we going to effect the world ? The girls are at an age now that things we taught them several years ago are showing in their character. My middle daughter told me today that she feels so lucky to have parents that explain things to her and help her to understand things in life. She said some parents don't do that and so she feels like she is VIP. How cute is that! I love that at such a young age she realizes some of what we do in our parenting and that she appreciates us and that she feels proud.What a great mommy moment ! Thinking about Valentine's Day and the little things we do as tradition, like starting our day with red pancakes, eating dinner on our red, heart Valentine dishes ,drinking out of valentine glasses and of course we have our candles ! The girls have always loved this and we have always choosen to be with them on this holiday. As the year continue's maybe bringing out those dishes and drinking out of fancy glasses with candles would be a good way to celebrate our love as a family. Wishing my friends and family a very Happy Valentine's Day !!

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